

Commercial inspections may seem like a mundane detail in the process of buying a property, but they are an extremely valuable and important tool in gauging your risk when making a purchase. 乍一看, it may seem as if all commercial property inspectors are the same, but we spoke to the experts and discovered that 商业检验s are affected by several factors and criteria that impact the value you receive from them. From how to choose a commercial inspector to what you should expect, this is what you need to know!


Think of inspections as a “snapshot in time” says Kevin Nally of Linkhorn Inspection Group. The purpose of a 商业检验 is meant to give you an idea of what’s working in normal conditions based on age and usage and what’s going to be an expense to you in one, 三个, 五年以及未来, 他继续说.

Inspections help to mitigate risk because once you purchase the property, 责任100%由你承担. Even if the building owner has provided details on the work that has been done, 并提供资本预算, an inspection provides the most cur租金 picture of the property, 他补充说.

另外, a 商业检验 can be a tool in negotiating the purchase price.


在俄亥俄州, 尽管所有的检查员都必须有执照, 没有特定于商业物业的许可证, 就像上门检查一样. However, commercial properties require diffe租金 experience and knowledge. Therefore, being licensed does not equate to being qualified to inspect commercial properties.

另外, it’s important to understand when you should enlist a structural engineer to perform your 商业检验. A professional engineer is permitted to render an opinion as to the structural integrity of a building. 验楼员, though qualified to recognize the symptoms that the building presents, 是否需要将诊断结果提交给结构工程师, 这会增加额外的成本和可能的时间延误.

Examples of when a structural engineer may be best to perform the inspection include if the building has walls that are cracked, 损坏的, or out of level; if rooftop units are supported by a substructure or there are roof penetrations; if there are elevator shafts; or if the building has concrete structures such as a parking garage or concrete cracking, 亚伦·施密特说, 他是criterion - liszkay工程公司的运营经理.  

Additional factors that should be considered when selecting a commercial inspector are the firm’s experience with the property 类型. 尽管通常, 商业检查中的许多组件都是相似的, occasionally there are instances where a specialist may be needed, 施密特说.

例如, in a manufacturing or warehouse facility there may be some machinery, 比如鹤, 这需要特定的知识, 他补充说.

在寻找商业检查员时, 你的商业房地产经纪人是一个宝贵的资源, 表示基因表达.

A reputable firm is often willing to provide you with a packet that includes their business licensure, 保险责任范围, 例报告, 和引用, 施密特说.

Other considerations include whether an environmental assessment is required. 一些贷款人可能会要求进行环境现场评估, 问你的银行家哪个问题很重要, 施密特说.

A phase one environmental site assessment includes a visual inspection of the property and its surroundings and a historical records search regarding whether there may have been previous chemical or petroleum products on the site or in the vicinity of the building, 如果对房产有任何潜在的影响. A phase two environmental inspection includes soil or materials testing, and would typically only be pursued if a phase one inspection indicates a potential hazard, 他解释说.


Licenses are issued through the Ohio 首页 Inspector Board within the Division of Real Estate & 专业的许可. 根据董事会的网站, a licensed inspector has undergone both state and FBI background checks, has provided a 保险证明书 for liability coverage and details regarding ethical conduct and legal history and if needed any out-of-state inspector credentials, has successfully passed the National 首页 Inspector Examination (NHIE) within two years of the date of application and completed 80 hours of classroom or online home inspector qualifying education requirements, 并完成了其中一项经验要求.


有几个因素会影响价格,包括建筑物的大小, 类型, 单位数量, 以及是否需要进行环境检查, 杰瑞·林克霍恩解释道, Linkhorn检验集团的所有者.

Some firms offer diffe租金 levels of inspections depending on the needs of the buyer or the lender. Our experts say typical costs for a 商业检验 in Central Ohio range roughly between $0.05 to $0.每平方英尺22.


The core components of an inspection include evaluating the roofing, 管道, 电, 暖通空调, 以及建筑的结构完整性. Inspectors perform a visual inspection of the property and look for indications of problems and do not advise on how to repair, 而是结果应该是什么. However, a structural engineer can advise on how to remedy structural problems.

检查后, a detailed report should be provided which describes the general condition of each component of the inspection as well as the concern, 以及解决的方向.
